Monday, July 20, 2015

Garden Apron

My older sister has a green thumb; she can make any plant grow and her garden shows that. She has the most beautiful yard. I am totally jealous. My yard is full of weeds, pricker bushes and plants that are getting eaten by bugs. She doesn't have any children yet so her yard (and cats) is her baby. 
So I try to sew something for everyone in my family for their birthdays and Christmas. We are working off of one income so if I can make something amazing and from the heart it makes up for not being the most expensive gift they get. So this year for my older sister Laura I made a gardening apron. It has 3 pockets for seeds, tools, and whatever else she wants to put in there. I must say it came out really good :) And she seemed to really like it. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July

A lot of time has passed since I've written, and a lot has happened. Sometimes life gets so busy and hectic you can't catch your breath. But it seems to be slowing down a little so I should be able to catch up. 
To is a low key day so far. Played this morning, and Ryan did some reading. My parents popped by and now Ruby is napping, I'm having some alone time and Josh and Ryan are playing a racing game. I'm trying to decide if we should attempt the fireworks tonight or stay in and watch the neighbors light some off. Decisions decisions.